The Electron Microscopy Laboratory recently acquired a unique scanning electron microscope
(SEM) for characterization. The FEI Quanta ESEM is capable of running at low vacuum,
thus reducing charging on insulating samples and allowing imaging without applying
a conductive coating.
The W filament allows for a resolution of 3 nm in high vacuum or low vacuum. Water introduction and a Peltier cooling stage allows for liquid water to be present in the samples, or liquid water to be deposited on the sample surface for high resolution contact angle measurements.
The system is also configured with an EDAX EDS system for element and phase identification at high pressures.
Finally, the system can be configured with a 1000°C hot stage or a 1500°C hot stage, allowing for characterization at 10nm resolution and high temperatures without requiring a conductive sample or coating.
Instrument Specifications
4-Axis Motorized Stage
Equipped with
Chamber Vacuum